Monday, January 28, 2008

A little help from your friends

Hi! My name is Anna Sideris, I am a long time friend of Alison's, and I will be accompanying her on her next trip to Colombia in February. As we come to the end of our count down to the Colombia trip, Alison is working overtime to get all the details in order, thus I am stepping in as her fill-in blogger. Our group is leaving February 14th for a two week tour through Bogota and Barranquilla. Right now we are all attempting to gather as many donations as possible to carry with us to Colombia because shipping fees are very high. If you are interested in making a donation, the following is a brief list of supplies which would be beneficial:
- school supplies (e.g. paper, pencils, art supplies, etc...)
- digital cameras and batteries
- children's clothing
- cloth diapers
- monetary donations
- anything else which you think may be useful!
All donations should be made to the Global Opportunity Garden. I can be contacted at:
You may also send any donations to:
41 Melvin Hts. Rd.
Camden, ME 04843


Alison McKellar said...

Thanks, Anna for making the post and for all your hard work... Some people have asked me how to make comments on the blog, so I wanted to show that it was possible. Just click on the comments link below the entry. Also, just for the record, ColOmbia is spelled with an "o".

Meg said...

I'm grateful to have such marvelous ambassadors representing many people from Maine. I hope you will use the blog to keep us informed of your activities - with pictures and stories of those you are meeting. Best wishes!